F-Secure Internet Security 2010

F-Secure Internet Security 2010

F-Secure Internet Security 2010 adalah sebuah program internet security yang dapat memberikan proteksi maksimal dari serangan virus, threat, spyware dan sahabat-sahabatnya yang berada dan hidup bebas di internet. Dengan menggunakan F-Secure Internet Security 2010 menjadikan komputer anda akan lebih aman sewaktu bermain internet atau browsing.

Di dalam F-Secure Internet Security 2010 sudah terdapat personal firewall dan antispyware. Selain dapat melindungi komputer dari virus, threat, dan maliciouscode, F-Secure Internet Security 2010 juga akan melindungi komputer anda dari phising, dan aktifitas-aktifitas yang berbahaya lainnya.

Key features:

1. Protection against viruses, worms, rootkits and other malware
2. Real-time protection against spyware
3. Real-time scanning of internet traffic to scan hidden malware
4. Real-time protection against malicious websites to stop them from exploding vulnerabilities in installed software in your computer
5. Provides instant protection against new threats (DeepGuard 2.0)
6. Scans e-mail for viruses and malicious code
7. Automatic updates for both virus definitions and the software
8. Security News delivered to your desktop
9. Includes intuitive e-learning tool
10. Helps you stay free from spam e-mail
11. Includes a firewall to protect your computer against hackers
12. Protects your children against unwanted Internet content
13. Includes a web surfing time lock for children
14. Includes Application Control that prevents harmful programs from connecting to the Internet

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